Since last three decades, it has been observed that a visible number of Indians are settling outside India. Here are few of the reasons in their favor-
1. To escape poverty. Yes. Let’s admit it. There, they demand comparative less hard work and pay you more.
2. Foreign countries offer better and diverse career opportunities. You can maintain your dignity by pursuing any kind of work.
3. Clean air to inhale. Clean environment to reside.
4. Provide FAR BETTER medical facilities being unbiased towards rich or poor.
5. Their “Aam aadmi” plays important role than our “Aam Aadmi Party”!!
6. Better standard of living.
7. High escape from corrupt practices. Let’s not even compare our politicians.
8. Everyone deserves equal opportunities to shadow his education or job. Unlike in India.
9. Government and public works hand in hand. Promises made are kept well.
10. MONEY! Of course.
What do you think? Don’t forget to share your views in the comment section below.