On April 5, the Jodhpur court convicted Salman Khan in the 20 years old blackbuck poaching case and he was sentenced imprisonment of 5 years plus a fine of Rs. 10,000. However, the court acquitted all the other accused – Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam.
Salman was sent to Jodhpur Central jail and his arrest made his fans angry. Many people condemned the court’s verdict and said that he should be fined a whopping sum but shouldn’t be jailed as he has been doing a lot of good work and has saved many lives. However, there were some who took the judgment as justice delayed but justice not denied and expressed their happiness on social media.
Salman didn’t get any VIP treatment inside the jail and was identified as Prisoner No. 106. He had to spend almost 50 hours in Jodhpur Central jail before he was finally granted bail on bonds of Rs. 50,000 by Jodhpur court.
Many celebrities along with fans of the “Sultan” star took to Twitter to celebrate his bail and Salman also thanked his fans for their immense support.
As we know that advertising and marketing strategy plays an important role in catching people’s attention, Zomato made an attempt to cash Salman’s bail incident in their latest ad.
The ad reads, “bhel delivered faster than bail”
Check out the ad:
With this ad, Zomato wants to convey that they will deliver food faster and in less time than what the court took in granting bail to Salman.
Isn’t it a great marketing tactic?