It is rightly said that Money Is Everything! In fact, people happily get ready to do all those tasks that they would never liked to do if they are offered a whooping sum!! Isn’t that true? No one can disagree with this essential fact which is very much correct as far as the TV reality show Bigg Boss is concerned. At one fell swoop, there is no denying the fact that its makers earn a huge profit from the show on account of various endorsements in addition to mind-blowing TRP and naturally enough, when they earn so much, they won’t be hesitated even if they have to pay a great sum to contestants to be on the show and make it more spicy……
Now after so many seasons, it’s no wonder if we say that Bigg Boss pays a really huge amount to the contestants for participating and from this perspective, worth mentioning is Rimi Sen who has charged “A whopping Rs 2 crore” for being a part of the reality show. If you watch it regularly, you must agree with the fact that Rimi seems utterly neutral in all the activities which take place in the house and hence, it won’t be wrong to call her the most disinterested contestant ever appeared on Bigg Boss. And it is at this point that a question strikes in our minds as to why she joined the show when she doesn’t have even little interest and here comes an obvious answer, “MONEY”.
If we quote what a source said, “Rimi is the costliest deal for Colors this year.”
It’s quite surprising taking into consideration the fact that Bigg Boss winner would get Rs. 50 Lakhs only, or I should say, Rs. 39,66,667/-
Lucky Rimi!! She doesn’t want to win but still is not nominated; but on the contrary, she is one of the 3 most voted contestants of Bigg Boss 9.