A shocking, but hilarious incident has occurred in an operation theater of Japan. This bizarre natured incident took place at Tokyo Medical Center. A woman, who was in her 30s, was undergoing surgery at the Tokyo Medical University Hospital. The operation was pretty simple, it involved a laser being applied to her cervix and lower part of her uterus. During the medical procedure, the woman passed the wind which released intestinal gas. This was combined with the surgical laser and it further, ignited it. The generated spark caused serious burns on her legs and waist.
The investigating committee has just completed the investigation of this incident which occurred on 15 April of this year at the Tokyo Medical University Hospital in Shinjuku Ward. Based on the newly released assessment, it is reported that the medical equipment were operating normally, it was the woman’s fart which caused the fire.
The woman farted during her surgery which ignited the laser. The spark burnt her legs and waist. She survived the accident, but her state is unknown.
An external experts conducted the investigation of the incident, they concluded that woman’s intestinal gas caused the fire. The report says,
When the patient’s intestinal gas leaked into the space of the operation room, it ignited with the irradiation of the laser, and the burning spread, eventually reaching the surgical drape and causing the fire.
There is no further word on the condition of the woman. The fire burnt her seriously. A Reddit user who says he is a surgeon’s assistant, says THIS HAPPENS. He says the incident is also not the first instance of it in a long time either.
A Reddit user explained how human intestinal gas can cause fire.
Human farts are comprised primarily of hydrogen, nitrogen, some carbon dioxide and potentially a small amount of methane and oxygen. The remaining gases in farts, which also may include a small, yet extremely potent, amount of hydrogen sulphide are generally byproducts of the fermentation and other action that occurs when microbes in the gut feast on fibre and the like in the diet of the host. The hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide and methane produced by these microbes can all be set alight, and such a typical fart will usually burn yellow or orange, with the flammable part mostly being hydrogen in this case.
So remember next time when you’re in a combustible environment, do whatever you want, but don’t fart.