The 18 years old actress Priya Prakash Varrier became Internet sensation after she was seen winking at a boy in a teaser clip of song “Manikya Malaraya Poovi” from the Malayalam movie “Oru Adaar Love”. From this film, she is making her debut in the film industry and only a glimpse of her expressions made guys crazy for her.
The number of her followers increased by 606K on Instagram in just one day and she is the third celebrity to get so many followers in one day. Kylie Jenner, an American model & TV celebrity, and legendary footballer Cristiano Ronaldo are the only two celebrities who are ahead of Priya in terms of getting huge followers in one day.
Moreover, you will also be surprised to know that Priya has more followers on Instagram than Miss World Manushi Chhillar who won the title last year.
The total number of followers that Priya has on Instagram is 3.7 million:
While Manushi has 2.8 million followers on the photo-sharing site:
Manushi is the sixth Indian to win the title and India waited for 17 long years for this title. Last time, it was in the year 2000 that Priyanka Chopra made the country proud by wearing the crown.
Priya’s popularity is increasing day by day and we are sure that it will rise further after the movie is released. What do you say?