Here is an image presenting two ladies hugging at a subway station in Brazil which has captured the attention and interest of commenters from all nooks and corners of the world. This image is going viral not because of the girls or image but for Nelson Felippe who outburst his rage in the form of comment. If we refer to his Facebook profile, he hails from Rio de Janeiro and is shown to be working at Google.
He wrote this post on April 7, Tuesday in Portuguese-
Não sou preconceituoso, acho que cada um faz o que quer da sua vida. Mas acho um absurdo eu ser obrigado a presenciar…
If we translate it on a rough note in English, it’s like this-
“I am not prejudiced, I think everyone does what they want in your life. But, I find it absurd that I have to witness a scene like this. What you do in private is your decision, but what you do in public concerns me, and I refuse to see a scene like this and consider it normal.”
Bewildered? Well for your utter amazement, he kept on saying, “Worst of all is the example they set for the children. What will happen to a kid that sees this? He’ll think it’s totally normal to wait for the train on the wrong side of the safety line.”
From the response his comment gained, it appears as though everybody got affected by what he wanted to convey regarding subway safety importance. It’s got more than a thousand likes and shares not only from the populace of Brazil but also from the whole world.