In the recent attacks on Paris made by ISIS, which took lives of several innocent people and left hundreds of them injured. To show solidarity with French people Facebook provided an option to overlay French flag on your Profile Picture. While millions of people around the globe chose to change their profile picture to show support for France in this time.
But one French woman won’t change her profile picture and her statement will make you agree with her. Charlotte Farhan who is an artist and works as an editor for an online magazine Art Saves Lives International (ASLI). She received a lot on attention on Social Media recently when she updated her status on Facebook saying She wouldn’t be changing her profile picture after the attacks.
She explained why she wouldn’t change her profile picture in a facebook post and it totally makes sense.
“I won’t be changing my profile to the French flag even though I am French and from Paris. The reason for this is that if I did this for only Paris this would be wrong. If I did this for every attack on the world, I would have to change my profile everyday several times a day. My heart is with the world, no borders, no hierarchy, I hold every human’s life with value who is attacked by extremist beliefs whether they are based on religion, prejudice or profit! Don’t be part of the “us and them” mentality which the war mongers want you to do!”
The post has been shared more than 96,000 times with over 1,50,000 likes on it. There has been largely positive response in the comments with people agreeing with her.
We can’t criticize anyone’s decision of changing or not changing their profile pictures to french flag. Its their personal choice and we should respect it.
Did you change your profile picture to French Flag. Do you agree with the lady. Let us know in the comments section below.