You must have traveled a lot on trains. Being a 90s’ kid I too have a lot of memories related to trains and journeys. But have you ever noticed that the windows of the coach which are next to the doors have more bars or rods on it? If you have then you must have wondered why and if you haven’t, well then here is the news for you.
You will be surprised to know the reason behind the extra bars on the coach’s windows. Well, engineers designed them as such to avoid robbery from the train. As the windows are close to the doors, anyone can stand on the door’s footsteps and snatch away your belongings while you aren’t looking. And for the other windows, they are already far from the ground while the train is at the platform.
Due to lesser gaps between the rods, not everyone’s hand could get through it and your things are safe even when you are not looking.

So next time you board a train remember the intelligent engineers and coach designers who put a lot of thought in making your train journey safe and secure.