WHY DO GIRLS CRY? This is a question which most Boyfriends & Husbands couldn’t answer even now. Even after years of understanding and love between Husbands & Wives or between Girlfriends & Boyfriends, they fail to understand why do their Girls Cry? What makes them so very emotional? & Why is that every time a Guy in a apologize even for the mistakes of the girl? These are the questions which have no answer at all. Deep Inside their heart every Guy in a relationship wants to know the answer for these questions but…they know it they will never.
Here is a small yet very powerful video by Shitty Idea Trending showing why a Girl cries and how a girl actually uses her tears as a weapon to make his man apologize for the mistake he has never done. 😛 The video hilariously shows to the world the epic Truth “MEN ARE THE REAL VICTIMS” 😀
You all can relate your story to the video and will love to watch it.
Watch the video here directly on Youtube.