Lamborghini out of no where started trending on social media when a news came from India’s Capital city about a Saffron Lamborghini Gallardo caught fire in Badarpur area. The car comes with a heavy price tag of 2.7 Crores. However the driver of this Richie Rich car escaped the Burning car without any Injuries.
According to the onlookers there had been a leakage in the oil tank, the car was back from the service center nearby. Immediately after the car caught fire, images and videos of this car turning into ashes went viral all over the Social media. The pictures and video suggests that the car sparked fire at the back where the Engine of the car is. This car comes with a V10 super engine with a capacity of 5.5 Litre. Here is the video of how 2.7 Crores turned into ashes in few minutes.
Twitter responded to the incident quickly. Look at these tweets showing pictures of the 2.7 Crore beauty turning into ash in Delhi.
After dousing the fire, Badarpur Police Station towed the car for further Investigation into the matter.
Source: Twitter