Arnab Goswami, the journalist who doesn’t like to mince words and calls a spade a spade has once again said something which can create controversy in the news world. Arnab was attending a program on News24 as a guest when he exposed Times Now, the channel where he used to work earlier.
Arnab revealed that before leaving Times Now, he slammed the New Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for protesting against demonetization and saying that demonetization was going to be the biggest scam of the Modi government. Shockingly, it was because of this reason that Arnab was not allowed to enter his own studio and was kept away from doing his show.
Here’s what Arnab said,
“2 days before I left Times Now, I was not allowed to do my own show. On 18 Nov, my last day, I was not allowed to enter my own studio after I clearly thrashed Arvind Kejriwal on 14th November to stop doing drama & calling people on Jantar Mantar over demonetization.”
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Arnab expressed his feelings when he said that it pained him a lot when he was not allowed to enter a studio which was built by him. He felt sad when he was prohibited entry in the institution that he built.
He has also said that he is independent from fake media; he will ask all the difficult questions and won’t be playing safe.
What do you think of this revelation made by Arnab after four months of his resignation from Times Now? Share your views in the comments section below.