Vikas Gupta is considered to be the mastermind on the show. He has been playing really well and has also been handling situations with logic and sensibility.
Earlier, people used to think that he’s a boring contestant, but with time, they are realizing that a person like Vikas Gupta is really needed in the Bigg Boss 11 house, where controversies don’t take time to spark up.
Apart from his fight with Shilpa Shinde, fans don’t have any such complaints with Vikas. In fact, they love how he uses his brains and plays the game smartly.

But wait, let us tell you that Vikas has had a very big transformation with regards to his hair. Earlier, he used to have waist long hair & looked quite different. Now, he has chopped them off, but I am sure you would want to see those pics, right? Here you go..
1. See this difference..

2. And one more..

3. Oh my God, I can’t even believe it…

4. So different…

5. Kya baal hain

6. Waah, kya baat hai!

7. Kya look hai

He looked very very different & I simply can’t believe by eyes on seeing this difference.