India is said to be very rich in culture and joint families enjoying each moment and festival of life together is one of the best examples of the same. Gone are the days when all the members of a family used to live under one roof and think for others before themselves. Today is the era of the nuclear family where everyone is self-centered and believes in fulfilling one’s own dreams and aspirations on priority. Agree?
Even more shockingly, children don’t think about their parents, especially when they are attracted towards someone. True, attraction is one phase of life in which a person loses the sense of understanding the difference between the right and the wrong. In fact, children simply don’t care about family and parents who brought them in this world. True, parents are not our enemies and will always think for our good. Right? Daughters must always remember one thing in life; the love they get from their parents is simply unmatched and unparalleled. No one else can give them so much of love and care but when they take the step of running away with a guy without thinking of their parents’ emotions, it really hurts a lot!
National Award Winner Manoj Joshi has recorded a very touching and heartwarming message for every Indian daughter. The message straight comes from his heart as an emotional father talks about his daughter and how she brings pride and happiness to him. Among the few rare things we see around us in the world is the bond between a father and his daughter. This is indeed a distinctive relationship and holds special to each person. He addresses the issue of girls running away from home to marry the man of their choice against their parents’ wish. He gently reminds all daughters out there that in times of real need and necessity, only parents stand tall to guard and protect their children from obstacles and problems.
Hope this heartening message reaches to millions of daughters in India:
Click here to watch this video directly on YouTube
On the career grounds, Manoj Joshi will be seen in “Love U Family” releasing on June 9, 2017, i.e., today. This movie has depicted the above idea brilliantly and is a must watch for every Indian family!