Life is a race! Tez nahi bhaagoge to koi tumhe kuchal ke aage nikal jayega. These two bus drivers in Tamil Nadu took the 3 Idiots dialogue way too seriously and started racing on the roads while the life of passengers remained at risk.
We must have noticed in our daily lives also that how bus conductors fight with each other to ensure their bus gets more passengers.
If that was not enough, this one does come as a big shock.
Buses trying to overtake each other
Have a look at the video of two buses full of passengers racing with each other on top speeds –
Watch the video here:-
Click here to watch this video directly on Youtube
As per the data from Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and South Asia Terrorism Portal, India’s daily death toll due to road accidents is more than 4 times the annual death toll from terrorism. Speeding and overtaking is the main factor responsible for the maximum number of deaths on Indian roads and this video is the proof why we are always on high risk of road accidents.
Death of a loved one is scariest and most terrible thing to witness. It’s time we should understand that it’s not cool to risk some precious lives of others for our own selfish motives.
Meanwhile, the government has taken serious action and licenses of these two drivers were suspended in Tamil Nadu.