Among the most successful Bollywood actors this year, Varun Dhawan has been a shining name. The young superstar of Bollywood gave back to back 100 hundred crore grossers in 2017 and became only one to do that along with Akshay Kumar.
Leave that aside, Varun Dhawan’s future lineup also looks interesting. He just wrapped up Shoojit Sircar’s October and is all set to start YRF’s Sui Dhaaga which will have hot and happening Anushka Sharma opposite him.
After such success, something big was expected from him and Varun did it. The charming and talented actor has gifted himself a plush house in Mumbai.
Varun had a grahapravesh ceremony at his house recently where all near and dear ones were invited.
Veteran actor Anupam Kher also was invited and as he reached he made it a point to record the inside view of the house.
Varun Dhawan gave him a complete tour of the house and Anupam recorded it and shared on his Instagram account.
In the video we can see Varun welcoming Anupam at his house and giving him the inside details. He goes on to show him the living room, the master bedroom, gym corner and all. Like a typical uncle, Anupam Kher too couldn’t stop himself from saying that he’s so proud of him and even his dad David must be so proud of him today.
Watch the video–
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