BSF Jawan’s videos had become quite debatable on social media. Many people slammed the BSF for providing such poor quality food and demanded quick actions. It was surprising to see BSF’s response on this; instead of taking quick action, they said that Tej Bahadur Yadav was mentally unstable and was an alcohol addict. The officials even transferred him and allotted him the plumber’s duty, which is very sad.
People doubted the claims of BSF, since the videos looked very realistic. Amidst all this, Tej Bahadur’s wife has come out in support of him.
His wife, Sharmila Yadav has a valid question; she asks “If my husband was mentally unstable or indisciplined, why was he given a rifle by the BSF to guard the country’s border in crucial areas?”
She further added “My husband’s problem is that he is in the habit of not tolerating injustice, for which he has suffered during his service tenure.”
As soon as this video was uploaded around 90 lakh people watched it and around 4.4 lakh people shared it. Sharmila also says that Tej Bahadur had won a gold medal after he completed his training i.e. before he joined BSF. Moreover, BSF has given him around 14 awards in 20 years of his career.
His wife revealed that BSF had punished Tej Bahadur in the past as well; she adds
“BSF is a disciplined force and in the armed forces even a small mistake is intolerable. If he had such a bad record, why was he retained?”
Tej and Sharmila have a 17 year old son Rohit, who is preparing for engineering entrance. As a matter of fact, Tej Bahadur wanted to continue in the BSF for 5 more years but he was compelled to take VRS (31st Jan, he’ll complete 20 years of service).
She adds
“My husband had discussed with me many times the poor quality of food served to them but I was stunned when he posted the video. I told him that he may be in trouble.”
Why is the BSF treating him this way? Yesterday, we reported about how civilians enjoy the food and fuel meant for Jawans at 50 percent lesser rates, so in what way was he wrong? This clarification given by Sharmila Yadav must be looked into and immediate action must be taken.
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