The Indian education system is undoubtedly one of the best in the world and it is also true that some of the toughest examinations of the world are also a part of the Indian system whether it is the exam of Chartered Accountant, JEE, NEET or UPSC.
The UPSC or Union Public Service Commission exams are given by those candidates who dream of being recruited as a Group A officer under the Government of India but this is a very tough exam and only few thousands out of lakhs are able to clear it.
Clearing the UPSC exam is a dream for many but very few are able to make it come true. However what will you say if we tell you that even ChatGPT failed in clearing this exam despite the fact that it is highly advanced artificial intelligence chatbot which has been developed by OpenAI and it was released in November 2022?
ChatGPT which has cleared many business, medical and other exams of the world is being used by people for various purposes as it helps in finishing the toughest assignments in a comfortable manner but many got surprised when they got to know that ChatGPT failed in clearing the UPSC exam.
As per a report, ChatGPT failed in the UPSC prelims exam after Analytics India Magazine tested it in order to see how many questions it can get right but the results were appalling. ChatGPT was able to answer only 54 questions out of 100 in Question Paper 1, Set A from the UPSC Prelims 2022 and the questions were related to various topics such as science, current affairs, polity, history, economics, geography and social development.

When ChatGPT was asked whether it has the capability to pass the UPSC exam or not, the chatbot replied by saying that though being the AI language model, it has huge amount of knowledge including the information related to the UPSC exam and subjects but in order to pass the UPSC exam, skills like critical thinking, time management, application abilities, etc. are also required.
As soon as the news went viral, the micro-blogging site Twitter was flooded with reactions; while there were some who wanted their parents to know about it, few other wished ChatGPT to be tested for other exams as well. Here are several selected reactions:
Proud of you #UPSC🙏👏
No one can break your level easily. #UPSC#ChatGPT— AnuBhav (@the_AnuBhavKr) March 4, 2023
@OpenAI #Chatgpt #UPSC2023 See what Chatgpt told me about failure in solving UPSC paper.
— Shivam Bellale (@ComplaintShivam) March 5, 2023
ChatGPT ने गूगल का इंटरव्यू पास कर लिया, ChatGPT ने अमेरिका के MBA एग्ज़ाम का पेपर भी पास कर लिया मगर ChatGPT UPSC परीक्षा का प्रीलिम्स तक पास नहीं कर पाया, कट ऑफ भी क्लियर नहीं कर पाया।
मुझे गर्व है कि मैं UPSC एस्पिरेंट रहा हूँ।
— Jaiky Yadav (@JaikyYadav16) March 4, 2023
UPSC is beyond the ChatGPT.
— Arvind Pandey 🇮🇳 (@arvindpandey43) March 4, 2023
ChatGPT failed UPSC Inspite of AI
and Evolved Learning, coz all that
was Missing, was this Attitude— Ankush (@_James_Bong) March 4, 2023
UPSC Aspirants to ChatGPT :
— Abhineet (@problemtoignore) March 3, 2023
दुनिया भर के कई एग्जाम पास करने से छाती चौड़ी कर घूम रहा chatGPT UPSC नहीं निकाल पाया।
सॉफ्टवेयर को नानी याद दिला देने वाली UPSC परीक्षा अब गौरान्वित महसूस कर रही है।
— Sanket Upadhyay (@sanket) March 4, 2023
ChatGPT failed to clear UPSC 2022 prelims..!! 😂
— Nikhil Gupta (@NikhilGuptaID) March 3, 2023
ChatGPT preparing for another attempt be like: 😁#ChatGPT #UPSC @NikhilGuptaID
— Sourav Saraswat (@SaraswatSourav9) March 3, 2023
Pehla hi attempt hai ChatGPT, lage raho!
Pehle attempt me UPSC nikla sabke bas ki baat nhi h 🥲
— Anubhav Dubey (@tbhAnubhav) March 3, 2023
We all know that clearing the UPSC exam is a very tough deal and now ChatGPT also knows this.