Since our childhood, from comic to cartoons, Ravana is always portrayed as the villain of the epic Ramayana. Have a look at few amazing and unfamiliar traits of the so-called highly famous villain-Ravana-
1. He was the father of Sita, according to Jain version of Ramayana.
2. Dashagriva’s ten heads signifies his enormous intelligence. He valued good education.
3. His personalized “Pushpaka Vimana” is a strong example of his great scientific achievements. He was also a scholar of science and medicine.
4. He was extremely handsome with a remarkable taste in clothing and jewelry.
5. Ravana created Indian classical instrument- Rudra Veena.
6. He was against CASTE SYSTEM!
7. He was an expert in astrology!
8. Dashanana was a family man. He mastered all his roles, from brother to husband.
9. He was a sincere devout follower of Lord Shiva.
10. According to some version of Ramayana, Monkey army misbehaved with Mandodri (Ravana’s wife), but Ravana accepted her without any *agnipareeksha*!
11. There are several places in India and Sri Lanka where Ravana is worshipped.
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