There is no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has brought recession in the whole world with a number of businesses being shut down, people losing jobs, increase in inflation, etc. This is really a tough phase and it won’t be incorrect to say that the year 2020 is the year of survival. Most importantly, we should focus more on our health and on saving ourselves from the lethal COVID-19 virus.

However, sometimes people laugh a lot while looking for a job as they get to read some very funny advertisements and requirements. Every company wants to hire employees who are hardworking and experienced but sometimes they make extraordinary demands; for example, how they can expect a person to have 10 years of experience in a skill which has been created just five years ago.
One Twitter user named Sebastián Ramírez posted a tweet in which he talked about a job posting wherein the recruiter demanded the candidate to have experience of more than 4 years in FastAPI. Sebastián was not eligible enough to apply for the job but the eye-popping fact here is that it was he who created FastAPI around 1.5 years ago. Surprising, isn’t it?

Check out what he tweeted,
“I saw a job post the other day.
It required 4+ years of experience in FastAPI.
I couldn’t apply as I only have 1.5+ years of experience since I created that thing.
Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate that ‘years of experience = skill level’. ♻ ”
I saw a job post the other day. 👔
It required 4+ years of experience in FastAPI. 🤦
I couldn't apply as I only have 1.5+ years of experience since I created that thing. 😅
Maybe it's time to re-evaluate that "years of experience = skill level". ♻
— Sebastián Ramírez (@tiangolo) July 11, 2020
After Sebastian posted this tweet, it went viral and people started sharing their own experiences. Here are some of the selected tweets:
I think companies should get over with this years of experience parameter. Instead it should be more skill based. And this is pretty common companies asking years of experience in skills that are pretty new. I think they should check facts before any such job posting
— VJay (@nceevij) July 12, 2020
Last year I got rejected during a job interview for “not understanding” the concepts of a certain iOS library. What the interviewer didn’t know: I wrote that thing. I actually had a lot of fun during that interview 🤣
— Jens Ravens (@JensRavens) July 11, 2020
— amcod3 (@amcod3) July 11, 2020
Reminds me of the many job postings that request number of years in something they wasn't invented back then
For example 20yrs experience in blockchain or many many other examples 😆When firms will learn to test the candidate for something they want rather than putting a number
— Bashar Al-Abdulhadi ¦ بشار العبدالهادي (@_Bashar) July 11, 2020
I just remembered seeing this a couple of days ago 😅 this explain everything
— Jalal-Eddine (@HabbaziJalal) July 12, 2020
Many iOS developer positions say they want 7+ years experience in Swift. How are you going to say that when Swift was first released in 2014?
— Varun 🇬🇾 (@v_sh01) July 11, 2020
Requires 10 years of experience with Windows Server 2019
— Kohi and Cambria (@kohiyote) July 12, 2020
— Fac Eas (@fac_eas) July 12, 2020
Yeah, I have 25 years of experience eating food and I still bite my tongue and inhale macaroni on, like, a REGULAR basis. So experience and skill don't always correlate.
— CJ Siapco (@CJsiapco) July 12, 2020
Have you also come across any such ad? Share with us.