It’s March 8 today which is celebrated as the International Women’s Day every year in different regions all across the world. Originally known as the International Working Women’s Day, it is meant for celebrating the existence of an awesome creature called Woman and to respect her.
This celebration could be either on a small scale or grand level but the importance of this occasion is to respect, admire, honor and love that beautiful creature of God whom the Almighty Himself has created with lots of patience and care. That’s why, the result is so brilliant whom every being respects as well as agrees that women are simply extraordinary and the power, devotion, tolerance and affection a woman has can never be replaced by any precious thing in the world. Selfless love of mother, companionship of wife in all the situations of happiness and grief, love and care by married daughters which is more than that of a son’s, concern of a sister and all the worldly virtues seem to be combined in one creature!!
Well, Twitter has also celebrated International Women’s Day but there are some users who have added an element of humor which gives rise to hilarious tweets and here are the 15 funniest tweets made by Twitterians this Women’s Day:
@ArvindKejriwal then what about men's day sir
— Himanshu ashiya (@anshuudaipur) March 8, 2016
Initially #WomensDay was planned on 6th March but Women took 2 days to get ready that's how it got postponed to 8th March.
(@KPAhirOfficial) March 8, 2016
Happy International #WomensDay2016 one day we might celebrate international #MensDay
— tom hidvegi (@tmhdvg) March 8, 2016
There was supposed to be a #MensDay also but not surprisingly we forgot the date. #HappyWomensDay
— Sameer (@Sameer_L) March 8, 2016
I have said it b4 n i 'll say it agn. Women will never truly be equal untill there is a #MensDay celebrated with as much Hoopla. #womensday
— Jasmine Ariff (@jasmineariff12) March 8, 2016
Typical- women want #WomensDay but wont do anything useful on it like inventing #MensDay to thank men.
— Jawad (@WoShakhs) March 7, 2016
Somebody asked Maria Sharapova to give a message of hope for #InternationalWomensDay . Apparently there was a typographical error.
— Madhavan Narayanan (@madversity) March 8, 2016
International Men's Day is on November 19th. Oh, did I ruin your punchline? #InternationalWomensDay
— Joanne Harris (@Joannechocolat) March 8, 2016
#InternationalWomensDay. A day where some men spend the day asking the question "When is #InternationalMensDay? " #IWD2016
— Shaun Farrelly (@ShaunFarrelly) March 8, 2016
Why do you wish women on #WomensDay when they don't wish Men on #MensDay?
— Vishal vaikunth (@vishalvaikunth) March 8, 2016
The world is #sexist! We all celebrate #WomensDay but no one ever celebrates #MensDay, do we even have that as a day?
— Son of Zeús!!
(@AbhirAgarwal) March 7, 2016
@TheZoiro if #MenWearingBindisYNOT is trending on #WomensDay then #WomenGoingToplessYNOT should trend on #MensDay…#ridiculous #epicfail
— Varun Vishwanath (@beardboy87) March 8, 2016
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