Kapil Sharma, the popular comedian has invited loads of troubles for himself due to his single tweet! Yes, yesterday we reported about an FIR being filed against Kapil Sharma under section 53(7) of MRTP act for illegal construction in his Goregaon flat.
Now, recent reports say that the comedian would soon be called for questioning by the officials.
A senior official stated
“(An) FIR was lodged last evening. Six cases have been registered against him ( Kapil Sharma ). Our documentation is going on and we will issue him a notice in a day or two, after doing ‘panchnama’ (preliminary investigation),”
The official further added that it is extremely necessary to call Kapil for questioning, as per the order passed by Supreme Court. A primary notice would be sent as he cannot be arrested directly.
He adds
“Based on the evidences we gather after investigation, we will call him (Kapil) to investigate the matter,”
The complaint was lodged at Oshiwara Police Station by Abhay Jagtap, a sub-engineer from BMC. Let us see how the entire matter gets settled. What do you think guys? Do let us know your thoughts in our comments section below!