I am an average looking man and belong to a middle class family. There’s nothing much special about me except my pure heart but there are some people in this world who probably don’t deserve true love and show no respect towards real feelings. For them, money and worldly pleasures are more important than love. Here I am going to share one such incident that happened with me over a decade ago but its horrid memories still awake me in nights.
I was pursuing B. Tech and at that time, Orkut was quite new to Indians yet youth found it very engaging. I also made an account but since I used to give much time to studies and had a shy nature, I didn’t have many friends. One evening, I logged into my account and saw a friend request from my classmate Ruhi. She was attractive and I had always wanted to talk to her. This was a golden opportunity for me so I instantly accepted her request.
From the next day onwards, we started chatting and gradually our conversations increased from usual “Hi.. Hello..” and studies to personal interests.
We developed likeness for each other but I never thought of proposing to her until one day she herself proposed to me. I refused because my family had many expectations from me and I didn’t want to waste time by engaging myself in a love relationship. A bright future was waiting for me and each minute was precious.
However, she said that she had seen her future with me and there could be no better partner for her. In short, she left no stone unturned to persuade me and I also couldn’t resist her sweet proposal anymore. We used to talk for hours and my family also got to know about her. Initially they objected but I convinced them. Nevertheless, my fear turned out to be true and slowly I distracted from studies. On the other hand, she was earlier average in studies but later on, she had better result than that of mine.
Years passed and after college, she got job in an IT firm while I was employed in a different company. Now she was in a different city and her salary was more than mine. Although we were in touch, the communication was not as affectionate and interesting as it used to be. I felt a change in her behaviour and tried to discuss about it but she changed the topic, saying that she was tired and wanted to sleep and that it was just my misunderstanding.
I believed her but something was not okay; something kept on pricking me from within; I thought that distance might have created this problem so I made up mind of giving her a surprise by reaching her place without informing in advance but little did I know that this visit would give me the shock of a lifetime.
I was in Bhubaneswar and she was in Hyderabad. I took pains and travelled 1000Kms just to meet her. I called her after reaching Hyderabad and instead of being pleasantly surprised, she was shocked to hear about my arrival. She asked me not to come to her office as she was busy in a meeting. Well that was completely fine but her harsh tone made me feel that something was fishy. I went to a hotel and after getting fresh, had a cup of tea. Even though I was hungry, I couldn’t eat thinking how rudely she talked to me.
She called me and asked to meet tomorrow in a restaurant. I wore yellow shirt and paired it with black jeans because yellow was her favourite colour. How could I miss her favourite perfume and the bracelet that she gifted me….
I was there before time and after 15 minutes or so, she also came. Ruhi looked gorgeous in red top and blue denim skirt. She had been even prettier and hotter than ever and I was getting bewitched with her charm. I got up from my seat and pulled the chair for her as it’s counted in good manners and girls always love to be treated this way. We talked a little and ordered food.
Meanwhile, she went to washroom but left her phone on table by mistake. Out of curiosity, I started checking her messages. I know that it’s not considered a good manner to check anyone’s personal messages but she was my girlfriend and I felt right on her. I didn’t have any wrong intention but the moment I picked the phone, a message came from some Chetan.
When I saw the message, my blood froze as he talked about intimate moments he and Ruhi enjoyed yesterday in a hotel room and how much he loved the fact that she was a virgin before meeting him. This means that she was losing her virginity to the man when I called her to meet.

Now I could get the harsh tone she had because I disturbed them. Out of curiosity, I started checking her SMS and her inbox was full of cheap dirty sex talks with Chetan while her gallery was filled with obscene images of them both
I could no longer tolerate it and when I questioned her about this all when she came, she created a scene. I had tears in my eyes but she had no regret. She neither apologised nor explained and straightly broke up with me. I couldn’t control myself and started crying. She didn’t stay there for me and went out of the restaurant in anger as if I committed a crime and she’s the victim.

I returned with a heavy heart and told my family that she had moved on in her life. Now I am married and blessed with two kids; nevertheless, that restaurant scene still sends chills down my spine.
Disclaimer: Events, dates and names have been changed for anonymity.
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