When it comes to baby nutrition, every parent must be careful. Breastfeeding seems to be the perfect way, but it’s not always available. Thus, many mothers give their babies special baby formulas. These are outstanding substitutes to breastmilk that are close to breastmilk. The babies receive everything their systems need to be healthy and strong.
One of the best products in this series is Hipp Bio Combiotik 1. You can also look for other famous EU-made brands and their products. They all stick to strict health guidelines and their ingredients are organic and safe. It goes beyond all doubt that they all include various kinds of vitamins. Our informative review highlights the top 5 essential vitamins any high-quality organic baby formula contains.
Vitamin A
Every certified organic baby formula contains vitamin A, which is very important for every person, especially an infant. It is responsible for developing and strengthening the heart, lungs, liver, and other organs. This vitamin is also known as beta-carotene, which is responsible for the development and growth of the reproductive system, vision, and immunity. Although you can get it from various products, your baby may either refuse to eat them or not be ready to tolerate them. So, the helpfulness of the right organic formula will be exactly what is needed.
Vitamin B
When it comes to vitamin B, we need to make a division. This one is unique as it is actually a group of vitamins and each has its number and name. They are B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12. Each has its own peculiarities, as well as many similarities. All these types provide the body with tons of energy. It’s possible because they help to absorb and convert proteins, carbohydrates, and fats into energy levels. They are also useful because most B vitamins take a crucial role in the growth, development of cells, and various functions in the body and its systems.
These vitamins are useful for infants experiencing tummy problems. Mothers must intake these vitamins because when they are pregnant, the vitamins of this group prevent possible fetus defects, as well as prevent anemia. In case you want to be a vegetarian or vegan, these vitamins are crucial as well.
Vitamin C
This vitamin type is also known as ascorbic acid and it is surely famous for its impact on our immune system. It sufficiently reinforces the immune system to help it cope with infections, allergies, inflammations, and something of the kind. Vitamin C is also known for its antioxidant properties. It helps to protect cells from damage, as well as repairs damaged cells. One more crucial benefit is the product of collagen that contributes to the health of our skin, hair, and nails.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is likewise an important vitamin that takes part in many processes of building and strengthening our body. First of all, it helps to absorb huge deposits of calcium, which builds the bone system. Secondly, it’s useful to maintain the immune system of babies.
This vitamin can be received naturally thanks to sunbathing. Yet, the skin of newborns is sensitive and cannot be exposed to the sun for a long time, especially during the first year of life. Therefore, vitamin D that is contained in organic baby formulas helps to close in the gap. The baby will not lack it because you can give a safe formula. It also helps to absorb various nutrients more effectively.
Vitamin E
This vitamin plays a crucial role in protecting our cells and boosting our immune system. It’s also effective for the prevention of blood clots. It also has a powerful antioxidant effect that helps to stop the worsening of various ailments when inflammation occurs. It also maintains hair and skin by breaking down free radicals that can damage them. Among other benefits are the prevention of skin cancer, eczema, and psoriasis, as well as faster healing of wounds.