Programming usually refers to high level of language with unique set of keywords. Here we managed to bring top 15 popular programming languages of 2015
1. Java is considered to be the perfect language for the developers and programmers where it is used for building back-ends for modern enterprise-web applications.
2. Python is the second most popular programming language where it is used to develop Web apps, user interfaces, data analysis, and statistics.
3. C language is widely used for embedded systems like the firmware of television and also proves useful in operating system of an airplane and as well as computer operating systems such as Windows.
4. C# is used to build the modern web applications using Azure and .NET, apps for Windows devices. It is also used to build powerful desktop apps for your business.
5. PHP along with databases like MySQL, are essential things for building modern web applications. Nowadays, this language is commonly used by data-driven websites.
6. C++ is the most natural choice for developing powerful desktop software and hardware-accelerated games. It is also used to develop memory-intensive apps on desktops, consoles and mobile devices.
7. SQL is mostly used when Data is massive which gives you the ability to find the exact information in reliable way.
8. The Ruby language is straightforward and very simple to learn, it powers tons of popular web apps around the globe.