USB devices made a lot of progress in last few years. From pen drives to external hard disks to external dvd writers to other computer and mobile accessories. But there are few usb devices you don’t know about. Its hard to understand that why some of them are even made. You think USB device are getting shorter day by day and are easy to carry? Check out this USB devices like the USB Bowling Ball, i mean who the hell will buy a bowling ball with a USB storage?
1. USB Bowling Ball
2. USB Stealth Switch
3. USB Screen Smasher
4. USB Vision and Posture Reminder
5. USB Heating Slippers
6. USB Laser-Guided Missile Launcher
7. USB Hamster Wheel
8. The USB Mug Warmer and Hub
9. USB Beverage Chiller
10. Rechargeable USB Shaver
Which one you liked the most? Tell us in the comment section.