The popular comedy TV show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah has been mired in controversy for some time, with former cast members accusing producer Asit Modi of fostering an unpleasant work environment and other troubling issues. The latest controversy involves actress Palak Sindhwani, who portrayed the character of Sonu on the show. Palak left the show in 2024, alleging mental harassment and non-payment of dues by the production team.
In a recent interview, Asit Modi addressed Palak Sindhwani’s allegations, accusing her of breaching the exclusivity contract required from all the cast members and displaying unprofessional behaviour on set. He emphasised the importance of the exclusivity agreement for maintaining the show’s integrity and stated that Palak had violated this key condition.
Asit Modi stated, “Everyone has to work in a discipline. I am also making a show for Sab TV. I also work with dignity. I have a contract with them. Similarly, artists also have contracts with me. We have to make 26 episodes every month. There has to be a discipline. It can’t depend on your mood. Everyone is working. This is one of the reasons.”
He further added, “People know you because of your character. Whether it is Palak or somebody else. Abdul’s real name is Sharad but people call him Abdul Bhai. Artists are known by their character’s names. We have positive characters. We have loving characters. If somebody goes and advertises anything, it will impact our show’s image. Everyone works within a contract. I also have to work within a limit. You cannot break your contract.”
Asit Modi also disclosed that their legal team had sent a notice to Palak, though he clarified that the intent was not to escalate the matter to court. Instead, he suggested that the notice was meant to address the contractual breach and encourage a resolution.
Asit Modi explained, “We asked her to work within the contract limits. We aren’t saying a no for anything but you have to ask us. If you decide to do anything, it cannot work that way. We sent her a notice. We weren’t dragging her to the court. Our lawyer tried to explain things to her nicely, but she did not understand. It created a fuss out of nothing.”
Palak Sindhwani, however, had previously made additional allegations, as reported by an entertainment portal. She claimed that Asit Modi and other producers had threatened her to delete her social media accounts and block her brand endorsement deals. She also accused them of being rude when she raised questions about these restrictions.
Click here to watch the video of the interview
While the producer has now shared his side of the story, it remains to be seen how Palak Sindhwani will respond to these latest claims. The ongoing conflict has only added to the controversies surrounding the long-running show, leaving fans and observers curious about its future.