PM Narendra Modi wasn’t bluffing when he said that he will eradicate corruption completely. After coming into power, he launched many new schemes and policies to develop the nation. His latest move of demonetization, which is a surgical strike on the black money holders has taken away the sleep of many corrupted people. On 8 November, at 8 PM, he announced the demonetization of Rs 500 and 1000 currency notes, the 500-1000 notes became pieces of paper after midnight.
With this move, the corrupt people are in a sheer terror now. All the precious Rs. 500-1000 notes that they have stocked through illicit means, don’t have any significance now, the notes have become pieces of paper now. However, this brave move is also causing a great deal of inconvenience and has increased the troubles for many common people.
People are standing in the long queues for hours to get these notes. People are posting pictures on the social media with their new Rs. 2000 notes. It’s a big deal to have a Rs. 2000 note right now. If you have waited in a queue for hours and still haven’t gotten the new crispy Rs. 2000 note yet, then you should go online to get one.
The new Rs 2,000 notes were being sold on eBay India on Wednesday. The price of these notes started from Rs 3,500 (You can choose online banking or credit card to pay). The 786 series notes were being sold for a very high price, since 786 is extremely popular in Asia as a talisman. For instance, a series of five Rs 2,000 notes starting with the number 786, were being sold by a seller for the hefty amount of Rs 1.51 lakh.
A New Delhi-based astrologer spoke to TOI. He told how superstitious some Indian people can be.
In India, people are ready to pay a premium for goods that sport numbers with religious significance such as vehicle number plates, mobile numbers or even residential addresses.
When TOI came across this deal on EBay, they reached Ebay India to enquire about the selling of a currency. A spokesperson for the company explained how Ebay is an independent online marketplace and an intermediary. It doesn’t control what independent sellers list on the site. The spokesperson said,
There have been no successful transaction for Rs 2,000 currency notes.
But after the TOI intervene, the company disabled the access to the currency listings to avoid any sort of trouble.