Tiger Shroff is known for his flawless dancing skills and stunts. Recently, the 26-year-old actor shared a picture on Facebook wherein he showed his flexibility. The picture posted by him, shows his one foot on the ground and other one up, reaching the stars.
He quoted the picture,
“Those who reach touch the stars.”
In all of his movies and songs, he flaunts moves that are beyond our style. The picture posted by him, has a difficult pose, that made him the butt of jokes. This is not the first time he has been trolled by the netizens. However, as soon as he posted the picture, people started trolling him on Twitter with amazing memes.
Have a look at these tweets that tickles you pink to the hilt,
Super Tiger!!!
Beyond Normal
Statue of Liberty and Statue of Flexibility
Tiger while answering a question in school
The macho-kid
The great support!
Normal people vs Tiger Shroff in Mumbai Local Train
High-five time!
Contribution in sports!!!
What’s the time???
Let’s shake it, baby!
He took it literally!
The next Avengers series features Tiger!
Present Ma’am!
Time to hit the bed!!!
And finally, customized Tiger Clock!!!
He became a victim of jokes first because of his name ‘TIGER’ and the later because of the absence of facial hair. Do you remember any other such trolls or memes where celebrities were dragged by the netizens for their hidden talents? Share with us in the comments section below.