It was always said a woman speaks and a man listens! 90 percent of the mind of women comprises of this ‘doubt’ factor which they just cant resist..Poor men! All they need to do is come home tired from work, sit in front of their wives and clarify thousands of doubts that have been arising since morning.
Trust matters a lot in any relation but many women fail to understand this. More than a wife, they play the role of a pyring journalist
Be it your coming home late by 5 mins, be it your assumed affair with your secretary or be it your late night dinner parties, if you are a man you are born to be ‘answerable’ to each question your wife asks.
But who says that a man isn’t capable of giving a rock solid answer and get away with his wife’s irritating questions. The best way to fight this is create a story in your mind that would make the wife jealous, add some spice to the story and support it with her doubts. Once you do this, you would definitely win over her just like this man does in the video below. He has given a superb answer to his wife who tried doubting him. Watch it and let us know how many of you were successful:-
Click here to watch the video directly on Youtube
Share this video with your wife and have fun 😉