It is rightly said that money is everything and even though some people may say that you can’t buy happiness, it’s always better to cry in a car than in a bicycle. Moreover, there is no denying the fact that in the present era, money has the potential to make you all powerful regardless of whether you don’t have many degrees or you are not that skilled as you can hire people who are excellent in their respective fields and get your work done. It’s also the harsh reality of the today’s world that people treat you according to your class and if you don’t have money, there are chances that you won’t be given that amount of respect and love.
Here we present a hard-hitting video entitled “Kamzor” showing the true face of people in the modern era and it will compel you to think how easy it is to be powerful in this world. The heart-wrenching clip shows how a poor tuition teacher who goes to collect her fee is being fooled and she too is not in a state to oppose or speak her mind as she is helpless and needs money badly.
Despite not getting the complete amount, she thanks the man for whatever he gives her and it will further make you sad deeper inside over the fact that the poor people are sometimes suppressed on the hands of the rich because money gives power. Even though the end is a happy one, it will leave you with a question.
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