Love someone? Didn’t propose yet thinking of his/her rejection? Well, 4 out of 5 boys as well as girls don’t express their feelings to the person they love, as they always have the fear of NO. Or I should say that they are damn sure of the rejection that’s why they don’t even propose to their love. But let me tell you a very true fact that until you tell someone what you feel about him/her, how you would know what they feel about you. Probably he/she too likes you and is waiting for you to approach? Well, there is one thing for sure; if you express, you might get your love but if you don’t, you are sure to lose them forever; so better make your proposal so special that your love just can’t say instead of wasting time on their answer because it will save you from the regret of a lifetime that you did not try even once!!
Must Watch The Awesome Video:
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So what have you decided now? Are you going to express your feelings? Don’t get late; go ahead! BEST OF LUCK!!
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