Recent movie, Irrfan Khan, Konkana Sen Sharma and Neeraj Kabi starrer, Talvar brought the infamous “Double Murder Case” of Aasrushi Talwar and Hemraj, in conversations again.
This one incidence shook the nation and so did the verdict. Still, there are people who believe that justice is not served. Still parents and the family hope for justice. However, there is one person, Grandfather of Aarushi Talwar, Gp Capt. B G Chinis (Retd.) who has finally broken the silence on this case. He still hope that the real culprits are put behind the bars but fears, what if it gets too late.
According to the facebook page, Free The Talwars, here is an open letter the grandfather seeking justice for Aarushi and her parents, Rajesh and Nupur Talwar who are serving their tenure behind the bars.
Take a look the letter below:
Click here to read it directly on Facebook
Do share this heartfelt message and don’t forget to share your views about it.