This would have been a nightmare for this lady when she was told that you are too fat to be on this flight. Well, this is what exactly happened to a plus sized American model Rosie Mercado back in 2011 who is also a celebrity make up artist. She used to weight around 185 kgs when she boarded a flight from Las Vegas to New York, a flight attendant told her ” Ma’am, you won’t be able to fit in one seat. You have to purchase another seat for extra fare.” These words as it sounds were more than humiliating, not just for her but for anyone who is over weight.
But this was not the first time this kind of incident happened with her. In fact once she had to hire a nanny to take her children to Disneyland as she was too large from the employees perspective to get on any of the rides there.
Apparently her attitude towards food was really unhealthy as she ate unhealthy meals to relieve her stress. She says, “I made some really poor choices by just eating junk food from McDonald’s rather than eating fruits and vegetables. This made my life more and more miserable.”
But after the humiliating incident, she determined to lose weight and left the junk food train and opted for fruits, vegetables and lean protein diet. She also signed up with a personal trainer and started going to gym six days a week for an hour a day.
Surprisingly now, at the age of 35 the 5’9″ model weighs 91 kgs. She is just 10 kgs away from her goal. She now says,” My career has really taken off since my weight loss. I’ve signed with a Model agency and since been booked for many high profile gigs for clothing companies. But, the most satisfying and joyful moment is being able to take my kids to Disneyland and enjoying ride with them.
This lady has inspired many people to lose weight and live life to its fullest. What do you think? Please share your thoughts in the comments section.