Remember those punishments in school where we had to stand on the desks with hands raised up. Well, that punishment was enough for us to make us realize of our mistakes. But the new law in favour of students under which no student can be physically punished by a teacher at school is made to save the students from some insane mentality teachers who believe more in physical punishment.
Till now you must have thought that only India is a country where students were harassed by some ill-minded teachers. But a recent news coming from Xixiang Middle School, Shenzhen, CHINA has shocked many.
A Physical Education teacher from the school gave a bloody punishment to some students who skipped the class. The students were forced to walk on their bare hands for a whole long period as a penalty of not attending the class.
The saddest part is the letter which was written by the students describing the incident and surprisingly, urging the parents and school authorities not take action against the teacher who is just an intern at the school. Infact, they admit of skipping the classes and surprisingly support this orthodox and brutal method of punishment.
Is using such type of disciplinary methods to make a student realize of his/her mistakes justified? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.