Indian Railways is in a limelight these days, thanks to Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu who started a trend to use social media as a medium between passengers and authority. If you got any problem related to Indian Railways, your query, complaint or help is just a tweet away.
This is what happened on non-stop 12501 -NE Sampark Kranti Express, when a 3-months old child was saved by Indian Railways by its quick action.
The news is from Uttar Pradesh where Mamta, a resident of Madhepura district Bihar was travelling with her 3-months old daughter and sister Sulekha. They boarder the 12501 -NE Sampark Kranti Express from Khadagiya station and were travelling to New Delhi in a general coach.
Mamta’s 3-months old daughter fell ill soon after the train reached Kanpur Station. The infant was suffering from severe cold and was having breathing problem. Seeing the situation going bad, the fellow passengers in the train informed the TTE, who further informed the control room. The trio was then shifted to sleeper coach and as soon as train reached Etawah, a doctor and his attendant boarded the train to attend the child.
According to station master,“She was suffering from cold and had breathing problem. There was nothing that they could do to control it. Other passengers and a TTE on duty tried to help but her condition started deteriorating. Later, as per her mother, the child started sinking. It was then the passengers again alerted TTE, who in turn further informed his seniors and control room.”
The doctor who attended the 3-months old later said that, “A child’s life was saved by a quick action as after the preliminary check-up we can say that she was about to collapse. But thanks to Indian Railways officials and fellow passengers who acted in a jiffy and hence we were able to save her life.”
The train was halted for about half-an-hour and was only allowed to proceed further when the child started showing signs of recovery.
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