If we observe carefully, all our life we just focused on fulfilling the norms of the society. We lead our lives the way society told us or followed the footsteps of elderly people of our family or who are around us. First we concentrated on performing well in school, then college and then getting a job is the biggest priority and after job we are ready for marriage and we did all this because this is the way everybody does it. In this course of leading our lives on the set principles of the society we just forget to live our life but there are some marvelous people who have the guts to live their life as per their norms and principles.
We are going to introduce you to such a wonderful couple – Rhiann Woodyard and Cheetah Platt!
They both are acrobats and are in love with each other, wanted to get married but not in the traditional manner in which every common couple gets married. Their marriage is an affair of 83 days – Acrobatic Wedding Around the World.
They were not able mark out one way to get married to they decided to get married in 38 lovely ways in 11 different countries. Joyfund was founded by them to get some help for travelling. They made a list of gifts they want and anyone can give them a gift from list such as a trip to Ireland or a hot air balloon ride in Spain.
They have travelled to these places:
1. Bangkok
2. Ireland
3. Egypt
4. India
5. Ireland
6. Columbia
7. Nairobi
9. Ireland
10. Spain
11. India
12. Thailand
13. Kenya
This couple has shown the way to many as to how to achieve whatever you want in life.