Freedom? What Is Freedom? Different people in the world have different answers to this small question about Freedom. Some would say that Real Freedom is when In a Country Like India Girls are feel safe even at Midnight. Some say that they shouldn’t be barred of eating anything, that is the real freedom. Some would even say that there should be no limitations in doing anything and some would even define Freedom as when people start living life beyond gender, class, caste etc. Freedom ~ this 7 letter word looks small but has a deep meaning. This Independence Day we bring you these logical posters by ZOPHOP which clearly tells us what real #FreedomIs. Have a look at these posters and put a question to yourself – Did you taste the essence of Real Freedom yet?
1. Freedom Is Having A Childhood
2. Freedom Is Having A Choice
3. Freedom Is Life Beyond Gender
4. Freedom Is Life Beyond Stereotypes
What do you think? What according to you is freedom? Is your answer related to these posters? or something is it something else? Comment your answers/views in the comment box below.
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