Fathers Day, that day of the year which makes you realize the importance of the word “FATHER” in your life. It is that day when you can make your father feel special. Though the love for fathers is not constrained to one day but this day is just celebrated for the presence of that superhero in our lives who had put in all efforts so that we can live a happy life. KUDOS TO ALL THE FATHERS out there who sacrifice their small desires to keep up their children’s dreams. A Father is a person who puts in everything to get the best for the family. A Father fights with the outside world and protects his children & family. He motivates you, He Encourages you, He gets angry & he Teaches important lessons of life.
Here we bring you these 9 Absolute One Liners which perfectly Defines the word “FATHER”.
After reading this Article go back and give your Father a tight hug and thank him for what all he had to go through to bring you up and help you achieve your dream. HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!