When people hate you, it’s because they want what you have… Well’ that one logical reason that we have managed to come up with.. Ever since celebs came out in open and talked about Intolerance, people have become so violent that they have taken to social media (pun intended) and have posted pictures and status showing the ‘tolerance’ or ‘intolerance’, (Please suit yourselves)
First if all, it’s the media that asks celebs to give bytes on such debatable topics and afterwards they set up a bench of pseudo intellect people to debate on the very debatable topic. Please media, seriously let’s rest in peace.
Shah Rukh Khan & Amir Khan have faced the wrath of talking over the topic. More importantly, with Shah Rukh Khan’s Dilwale, releasing the haters have asked every other hater to avoid the movie. & Why so?
Shah Rukh Khan is a Muslim & He said his opinion about Intolerance.. Well, what astonishes us further more is that these people are not backward, but the much educated cream of the society, unless their thought process portrays a different story. We are Sorry if this offends anyone but truly, from such young vibrant people such thing is not expected.
#NationShame. Here are few such Comments, Posts, and Msgs we received over different social media platforms.
Check & Tell us isn’t all these way out of context..
Let’s sum up saying – Hater’s gonna Hate, Keep Moving…