Kentucky Fried Chicken has taken India by storm, being a roaring success with long lines in front of their shops and people everywhere licking their fingers. Here are some things that might make you stare at those licked fingers in horror.
1. Their grilled chicken actually has cancer-causing chemicals called Carcinogen in it!
2. Their hygiene standards are very questionable. If they can’t keep their floors clean, how clean can you expect their food to be?
3. Their dishwasher is also their bathtub, apparently. Which is, I have to admit, very weird
4. KFC used palm oil to fry their chickens and then switched to canola oil. The move to become healthier is a dud. Canola oil is healthy only before heating, after that, it’s almost toxic
5. They’re trying to make their customers less stupid by given them ‘brains’. I must say, that’d prove counterproductive.
6. KFC dishes have 43% percent chicken. After that? A whole host of other ingredients that read like a death-sentence. Out of the 29 listed ingredients, only three are considered natural.
7. On a sobering note, about one billion chickens are killed in the name of this company. The high demand means that those poor little things are jammed in cages until their killed.
8. Unhealthy double-down burger, which would require you to walk briskly for two hours to shed the calories, belongs to KFC.
9. You’re looking forward to having chicken, do you expect worms?
10. Chinese government found that KFC suppliers used excessive growth hormones and antibiotics in their poultry.