No doubt, students are working really hard to score well in board exams. Moreover, we all know that as exam time nears, pressure is very common, not only among students but also among parents. The main fear that grips students is “Failure”; yes, not all are capable enough to cope up with studies and fear that they might waste a year.
However, a temple in Gujarat has come up with a brilliant thing to pull out that anxiety and stress from the minds of students. Well, Kashthabhanjan Temple in Panchmahal district of Gujarat has introduced a MAGICAL PEN SET for students; you heard that right!
Representational image
A leaflet has been circulated by the temple, in which it has been claimed that the pen has divine powers, as it was derived from a Hanuman Saraswati Yagya.
The pamphlet is in Gujarati language and promises that the pen will help students get good marks. It would take away all the stress associated with exams, which in turn will enhance the performance of students.
The magical pen has been found by a Hanuman sevak, Dushyant Bapuji; someone posted the pamphlet on Twitter.
Check it out…
Divine intervention in board exams? Gujarat temple offers pen set to pass; full refund if student fails
— Naira Connect (@nairaconnect) March 10, 2017
If you are having trouble loading the tweet, here’s the image of the pamphlet…
The pamphlet asks questions to parents like “Do you want your child to pass his exams? Are you worried that your child may lose a year due to poor results? Do you wish your child passes his Class 8,9, SSC, HSC or College exams?”
Want to know how much this pen costs? Well, the price of this pen is Rs 1,900, too much! However, there is a money back guarantee too. The makers say that if the student fails in the exams i.e. doesn’t get passing marks, the entire amount would be refunded.
What all is needed to buy the pen?
To buy this magical pen, students have to submit their college or school ID, Xerox of hall ticket, exam receipt and mobile number.
This is something very weird! God knows what all things would be introduced in future. Do you believe in this pen? Do share your views in our comments section below.