The demonetizing of Rs 500-1000 notes will break the grip of corruption and black money, Modi took this brave step to flush all the black money and fake currency present in the country. This is Modi government’s surgical strike on the black money, this move will prove to be a nightmare for all the black money holders, and a hope for all the citizens who want to see India progress.
However this step has created a chaos among the people, causing a great deal of inconvenience. Although PM Narendra Modi has assured that the common people having the demonetized currency notes have nothing to worry. They can visit any bank to exchange their notes or they can deposit the money in their account.
But the illiterates, and people with little excess to banking facilities are the ones, who have been hit by this cruel blow. People with no bank accounts don’t know what to do, all they know is their precious savings will soon become worthless piece of paper.
A 50-year-old woman in Telangana’s Mahabubabad district committed suicide after knowing that the Rs 500-1000 notes are no longer the legal tender. It is reported that the fifty-five-year-old Vinoda had a large amount of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes stored in her house, the money came from a land deal. Vinoda became confused after hearing the demonetization news, she thought all her money would become useless now.
It is reported that Vinoda had sold 12 acres of her land a few months ago, she had over Rs 50 lakh, and she stored it at home.
However, the reason behind her suicide is still not clear. The police officer investigating the case told TNM
The family said that she committed suicide due to confusion, but some relatives are saying that it was because of a family dispute.
So guys, do you think that this demonetization is doing more harm than good? Did Modi govt. failed to implement this move properly? Feel free to drop your views and opinions!