Divorces are becoming pretty common nowadays as patience is decreasing in individuals day by day and they want to live life on their terms; however, there are times when divorce becomes inevitable.
A Pune woman has filed for divorce alleging that her husband has been abusing her mentally and physically. Not only this, she has also accused her in-laws of domestic violence.
She got married in 2008 and her husband is an IT professional. You might be shocked to know that she has been tolerating domestic violence from the starting phase of her marriage. The husband used to beat her on small issues and sometimes weird ones too. For instance, he tortured her if the chapatis that she made didn’t measure to a certain size, i.e., 20 cm.
She has written about the instances of domestic violence in the petition submitted to the Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) through her lawyer Supriya Dangare. She has told that once he threw dumbbells at the computer that the woman used and on the same night, he thrashed her so badly that she fainted. The husband didn’t stop there; he pulled her and put her under a running tap till she became conscious and then he abused her again.
In 2010, conditions deteriorated further as the husband asked her to note down all her household chores in a soft copy in an Excel sheet and also in hard copy in a notebook. The status of each work also needed to be mentioned such as whether it completed/in process/pending and every category had its own colour. Moreover, she was also required to mention the reason for not finishing a task within the deadline in the comments section. The wife was instructed to read the list in loud voice at a certain time and if she didn’t read it on time, she was abused again.
In the woman’s words,
“My life became a misery. Even for basic chores I was forced to follow a protocol. While preparing chapattis, I had to ensure that the diameter was exactly 20 cm — my husband would measure it every day. When it came to getting the wheat ground, every detail regarding the quantity of the grain, its rate, where it was purchased from and the last date of grinding had to be mentioned. He abused me in every way possible and forced me into unnatural sex against my will.”
She also claimed,
“Once he got so angry that he got a knife from the kitchen and started chasing our daughter, threatening to kill her. He would often threaten to commit suicide if I did not do as he said. Another time, he poured water on me and made me sleep in an air-conditioned room while I was drenched. He even held our daughter over the balcony railings and threatened to throw her down.”
When Pune Mirror tried to get in touch with the husband and know his views, he refused to comment on the matter.