Sunil Lahri, the actor who played the character of Lakshman in Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan, is a pretty happy man nowadays as the re-run of Ramayan has received the highest viewership of 77 million and it has surpassed the very famous American sitcoms, such as The Big Bang Theory and Game of Thrones.
While Sunil Lahri’s popularity increases manifold, the number of his female fans has also increased considerably and some of them have found him cute as well. On being told about the love that is being showered on him by his female fans on the social media networks, he says that it is kind of obvious for any male actor to like it if he is adored by female fans and he is happy with it despite the fact that he played the character of Lakshman in Ramayan. He further adds that he is thankful to all the female fans who are appreciating him and his work.
As far as the success of the re-run is concerned, the actor said that nobody from the serial ever expected such success as the show didn’t get so much viewership even when it was telecasted for the first time. He said that when they came to know that Ramayan is being re-run, it did not affect them much but the response that the public gave left them both shocked and overwhelmed with happiness.
Sunil Lahri recalled the old days, saying that Ramanand Sagar Ji had a great vision and he was one of the coolest directors with whom he has worked. He also said that Ramanand Sagar never got stressed even in the difficult times. As per Sunil, even the Doordarshan officers used to be worried and keep on asking for the tape as it would have resulted in huge protests if an episode was missed. He said that he heard some stories at that time of public causing havoc outside offices of the electricity department if there was no electricity during the time of telecast as electricity cuts used to be a common thing in the 1980-90s.
Sunil Lahri also talked about actor Nalin Dave who played the character of Kumbhakarna and said that he was a very nice person and they all were just like family. About Sanjay Jog who played the role of Bharat, Sunil said that he was a very close friend, adding that Sanjay’s son is now a famous Marathi actor.
Talking about the famous actor Dara Singh who played the character of Hanuman in Ramayan, Sunil said that the former was very friendly but he also used to guide them. He also recalled the times when he used to live near the house of Dara Singh and watch fans in good numbers coming to see the latter.
According to Sunil Lahri, this re-run has also connected all the actors of the show as some time ago, he talked to Aparajita Bhushan aka Mandodari who is the daughter of late actor Bharat Bhushan. Sunil also opens up on the memes that are being created on Ramayan and its actors and says that he has no problem with them if they are not insulting towards the actor or his family.