Sumona Chakravarti, the beautiful TV actress who is more popular as the comedian Kapil Sharma’s on-screen wife, is on a break from work as of now. And even though she is away from small screen, she still manages to stay in touch with her fans though social media, especially the photo-sharing site Instagram where she is quite active and regularly posts updates about her life.
If you visit her Instagram, you will simply be stunned with her beauty and hotness; be it a traditional Indian dress or sexy bikini, she nails in just every avatar and fans can never have enough of her.
However among many pictures, what caught our attention was her injury pic in which she can be seen having blotches and bruises.
As per the actress, she used waxing services of Urban Clap in urgency as she couldn’t get an appointment at her regular salon. Nevertheless, it cost her a great deal as the services by the provider left her with marks and bruises.
She took to Instagram to share her experience:
“@urbanclap Never again 🤬🤬🤬
I actually decided to try out their waxing service primarily because of the urgency & not getting an appointment at my regular salon (JCB)
Their shitty & pathetic service has bruised and left marks on my skin. BLOTCHED, BRUISED, PEELING SKIN.
Instead of getting tanned on a beach, I sat n kept putting aloe gel all day avoiding the sun.
A request to all social media influencers & to all the actors doing post’s on Instagram & various other social media platforms whether its free or paid, think twice before putting up a post. I was approached as well for doing an urban clap post for Insta. They didn’t have the budget (which is okay) and I simply decided to try out their waxing service and this is the outcome.
P.s pls feel free to share!
@urbanclap I hope u have the budget to train your so called professionals.”
The first pic is from Day 1, i.e., 11th July, 2018:
This is the second pic from 17th July, 2018:
Check out her Instagram post:
Have you ever faced any such experience? Let us know.