A man named Sabhyasachi Mistry from Kolkata has been arrested by the Cyber police, Bandra-Kurla Complex, on the charges of cheating a college student and usurping Rs. 34,000 from him. The main incident took place 11 months ago when Sabhyasachi posted a fake advertisement of iPhone 6s for sale on a free classified advertisement website and that too, for an amount of Rs. 40,000. At this point, it’s worth mentioning that the phone was available in the market for almost double price at that time.
Akshay Avsare, who is from Mumbai, ordered the iPhone and made the payment online. On 18th April, 2016, when he received his parcel, the box didn’t contain an iPhone but shockingly four papers which were cut in the shape of a cell phone.
It took cops 11 months to solve the case after they found Mistry in Kestopur and arrested him subsequent to being sure of their target by getting details of the fake account and place by bank through which the money was withdrawn.
A police officer said,
“Several debit cards of various banks and many SIM cards have been seized from Mistry. He used various accounts to get money from victims. He placed fake advertisements and duped people. He used to tell people to make an online payment and provide a bank account to transfer the amount, to get the product delivered.”
Here’s what Akshay told,
“I ordered for an iPhone 6s when I came across the advertisement for Rs 40,000. When I called the person who posted the advertisement, he provided me with his bank account details and told me to pay Rs 34,000. I deposited the money in my friend’s account using National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT).”
Police has also got hold of many fake documents which were used by Mistry for opening more than a dozen accounts for cheating people. According to an officer, “Mistry used new bank accounts and SIMs for each fraud. He took precautions to avoid detection.”
So next time, be careful whenever you make a big purchase online.
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