The well known film producer/ director Mahesh Bhatt is all set to make his television return with something new. He is returning with the television serial titled ‘NaamKaran’, which will air on the popular channel Star Plus from September 12. We all know that Mahesh Bhatt has always presented the experiences of his life in his films in a dramatic fashion. After the hit ‘Zakhm’, a story which was based on his life, the very same story is adapted for TV as the TV series NaamKaran.
NaamKaran is based on the critically acclaimed and the famous 1999 directorial debut of Mahesh Bhatt “Zakhm”, it starred Ajay Devgan and Pooja Bhatt in the lead roles.
This show will replace Diya Aur Baati Hum on Star Plus. Unlike the film, the plot of the TV show has a small change, the story will be told from the perspective of a girl. Actress Ashween will be seen playing the main protagonist, Avni.
During the launch of the serial, Mahesh Bhatt was singing praises for the child actor. He called the child actor very talented and he even compared her with Alia Bhatt. He spoke to the media and said,
She is an outstanding child artist and I have not seen anyone like her in my entire career. Like Alia dazzled me in Udta Punjab, similarly this girl dazzled me. I have told Alia I am very impressed with this child. I don’t usually tell Alia this. I am sure even she will be similarly awestruck.
Television stars Viraf Patel and Birkha Bisht will be playing the lead roles in the TV show. There will be intimate scenes in the serial. Mahesh Bhatt is known for his experimentation, he’s going to give us a different type of television unlike the daily soap opera type.
This show will feature the most sensuous love making scene even shown on the Indian television.
Recently Viraf and Birkha shot the intimate scenes for the serial.
The promo of the show has been released on YouTube which is gaining a lot of views.
The makers of the show have selected ‘Aaj Jane Ki Zid – Arijit Singh’ for the promotional purposes.
This is a very different show and story from the normal soap operas seen on the Indian TV.
Sources report that the intimate scene has been filmed in just one shot.
No retakes were taken for the scene.
Are you excited to watch it?