Court has shown its unhappiness over the leakage of the details of charge sheet which was submitted by the CBI in Jiah Khan Suicide case. The charge sheet has further disclosed that just one hour before Jiah committed suicide, she had an argument with Sooraj while the accused has termed it just as a “misunderstanding”. CBI has accused Sooraj of abetment of suicide; the investigating agency has also said that Sooraj has sent a bouquet to Jiah as she got role in two movie projects and an item song. After that he went to a suburban five star for having dinner with a friend.
The charge sheet further read that at 10.04pm, Sooraj made a call to Jiah and told her that he is at the hotel for meeting the jewellery designer. However, Jiah called the designer to check it, the designer told her that she is meeting Sooraj the following morning and not now, this made Jiah angry and then “Immediately Jiah called Sooraj and accused him of lying,”. Sooraj then made a call to the designer to find about the meeting, and then he asked her to call up Jiah and clear her doubts. However, the designer could not talk to Jiah as her phone was continuously busy. Jiah tried to talk to Sooraj but her calls and messages were not attended until 10.22pm when Sooraj made a call to her. After this Jiah went to Sooraj’s house as his phone was switch off.
Sooraj however didn’t meet Jiah and asked domestic servant to tell her that he is in a meeting with his father, Aditya Pancholi. After a little later the domestic help saw Jiah outside and told Sooraj about it, Sooraj sent someone to call Jiah in but till then she was gone. Sooraj then asked Jiah to call him by sending a message. Jiah called Sooraj at 10.45pm and they both had a very heating argument which was heard by not only the domestic servant but also by another person at home.
The CCTV clip has shown that Jiah came home at 10.48pm, she got a call from Sooraj again at 10.54pm and this was the last time they talked. After this between 10.56pm and 11.21pm, 10 messages were sent by Sooraj to Jiah which she didn’t replied and when Rabia returned from a party at 11.20pm, she saw Jiah hanging from the ceiling fan in bedroom.
Source: TOI
The charge sheet has also described graphically the abortion of Jiah and how Sooraj took out the foetus and threw it in the toilet and this incident had left Jiah emotionally broken. CBI has said that Jiah had talked about her abortion in her note as she wrote, “I was scared of getting pregnant but I gave you myself completely. The pain you have caused me everyday has destroyed every bit of me. Destroyed my soul and I aborted our baby when it hurt me deeply.”
Earlier in January, 2014 Mumbai police has filed a charge sheet of 447 pages. The case was given to CBI in July 2014 on the directions of High Court, as Rabia Khan alleged that Mumbai police has messed up the case and this is not a suicide, it is a murder.
However, CBI also maintained that it was a suicide. The relationship bond of Sooraj and Jiah can be understood by the fact that Jiah used to iron Sooraj’s clothes and kept them in cupboard and not only this, she also used to clean his room.
Sooraj was given a copy of the charge sheet when he came to court on Friday. The hearing of the case will start on January 18. Special Judge A S Shende has expressed his anger on the disclosure of details of the charge sheet to the media even before the court has taken a notice of it. He said, “I read the details of the charge sheet in the newspapers. How can this happen? Please be careful. How can it come out in the media when the verification process was on in the court.”
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