If you thought that we Indians are way ahead in matters of racism and down rightly rejecting a person’s right, then wait and read this news.
This will show how Americans are way ahead to us, in this term also… The incident happen so that a Sikh man along with his three Muslim friends boarded an American Airline and after a certain time they were ordered to get down and later kicked out of the flight…
Shan Anand, a Sikh, along with three other friends – Faimul Alam besides a Bangladeshi Muslim and an Arab Muslim – all young US citizens, were ordered off the flight 44718 from Toronto to New York last month based upon their perceived race, color and ethnicity. The Bangladeshi and Arabian Muslim men were identified as W.H. And M.K. Anand and Alam switched seats with strangers after boarding, so they could sit next to W.H. And M.K..
Few minutes later, the flight attendant ordered these four men to vacate the seats and leave the airplane. “It basically made me feel like a criminal,” W.H. Said, adding: “It was like I was put on a pedestal where everyone is pointing at you. I was frightened that they were frightened.”
“They could not board because the crew members, and specifically the captain, felt uneasy and uncomfortable with their presence on the flight and as such, refused to fly unless they were removed from the flight,” stated the report.
A law suit worth USD 9 million has been filed against the airline and its authority for such high show of racism.
Isn’t this a case of utter shame? Share your views in the comment box below.
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