Siddharth made his Bollywood debut with ‘Rang De Basanti’ which was a big hit. Tamil actor Siddharth may not be a big name in the Bollywood, but he is a very talented artist and a great human being. He stands up for what is right and always there to help someone in need. He has never shied away from following his heart, he has expressed his opinions on various issues, extended his hand to support women for equality and their rights.
Once again Siddharth has taken a stand and slammed Ranveer Singh’s latest clothing advertisement for being sexist!
Ranveer Singh’s new ad for the brand Jack and Jones shows him carrying a woman on his shoulder, while another guy looks at the woman, the caption reads “Don’t hold back, take your work home”. When Siddharth came across the advertisement, he labelled it sexist, and called out the clothing brand for objectifying women.
He took it to Twitter to express his disgust on the advertisement, he shared the billboard image of the ad on Twitter and wrote:
A new low for women’s rights in the workplace in India. What were they thinking? #Fail.
Earlier this week the ad was placed on the hoardings in Mumbai. When people saw the ad, they took it to the internet and criticized it.
Ranveer’s advertisement does indeed paints a wrong picture, clearly the ad is sending a wrong message. Ranveer Singh hasn’t responded to Siddharth yet.